
TL;DW: Density2 is a different color for Density, some old code I had that people wanted.

So in the absence of somebody coming forth and saying ‘this is on my quadrillion selling hit record’… weirder things have happened, occasionally to me… you should consider this as an alternate tone for Density. It’s been around for a while, but people wanted to see it again: specifically, to see it run on modern machines and in VST and so on. How could I say no? I’ve altered it as little as possible: there were always some weird things about it, but I refactored it to retain EVERYTHING unintentional or unusual. I gave it modern Airwindows handling of denormalized numbers, and it dithers to floating point instead of using the noise shaping to floating point that I used back then. Everything else is just as it was: no ‘fixing’ or making it do what I ‘meant to do’.

The old AU version is downloadable from the link at the earlier Density2 listing: both use the same ID so you’d have to swap them out if you want to compare. I think you’ll find the sound is the same, maybe a tiny bit less plastic and fake with the new one (the noise shaping to floating point I did back then, didn’t work either), and more of the tone people were looking for out of it. One never wants to change anything people were fond of, so I haven’t.

Next step is getting all of these to compile on a M1 Mac computer, and putting out an alternate AU version for a new generation. Doing that will NOT fix the issue with Logic not working the sliders correctly: turns out that’s a Logic bug and I can’t fix it directly. But if I begin putting out my entire 200+ plugin library on M1, much like I recoded everything for 64-bit support for Apple back in the day, then maybe the Logic team will fix their bugs.

If not, it will all run natively on Reaper without any problems at all, while waiting for the Logic bugs to get fixed. Which will probably happen, if people ask them to fix it :) the real question is, how fast, and can I have M1 builds of all the plugins made before Apple makes them usable in current Logic? Place your bets!

Brought to you by the Airwindows Patreon, which will unlock Hardware Synth Building DIY when I hit $2000 a month, at which point I start sending people electronic parts free so long as I’m above the threshold :)